Dear Sir, Dear Madam
We are getting in touch with you inorder to know if you could welcome one or 2 students for an internship. This internship is compulsory in the frame of the student, we are actively looking for new partnerships with companies to develop our panel of hosting companies and to give the oportunity to a student to benefit from a professional experience abraoad and to give them the oportunity to validate their degree.
Our students can assist you in many fields : human resources, administrative work, canvassing, web development, import-export, order management, web design, research, or telephone polls, developing the company, looking for new clients, increasing product turnover, doing an e-mailing campaign or developing a strategy to get more clients....
Benefits to your business
- No cost for the company (Our student get a scholarship to pay their accommodation, travel and to cover their expenses)
- Wide range of student profile
- Help in the development of your company and administrative tasks
Job2international help our students to get an experience abroad and assist them with the accommodation and administrative paper. We would be very happy if you could contribuite to the success of your students this year as this internship is compulsory in the frame of their studies to complete the year.
Our colleagues can help you to define your needs (tasks that the student can do during the internship).
We are at your disposal for a phone interview.
Looking forward to speaking with you.
Best regards.
7 rue Justin Godart
69004 LYON
Tel : (+33)
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