Indonesian Red Cross National Headquarter (PMI)
Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) is a neutral leading humanitarian organization in Indonesia and is a member of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. PMI Restoring Family Links (RFL) sub division, which main objective is to facilitate the reunification for separated family caused by conflict or natural disaster, is now seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Restoring Family Link (RFL) Capacity Building Coordinator (Code : RFL-CBC)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Selatan)
* To conduct RFL Capacity Building (such as to carry-out assessment conducting workshops, to monitor to Chapters/Branches, to make RFL guidelines and leaflet
* To prepare and conduct training in cooperation with PMI Training Unit
* To make correspondence with PMI Chapters and Branches, other national and International organization and other counter parts in Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Crystal Movement : ICRC, IFRC and others PNS's.
* To handle RFL dissemination activities on RFL to potential client and general community and also inform about RFL for intern PMI
* To be Facilitator in RFL Training
* To Coordinate with PMI Chapters and Branches to inform issues that related with Capacity Building
* A professional background, and experience, either in modern and progressive management and/or business development
* Proven analytical and summarizing skills also able to take initiative
* Experience, and good understanding, of the different components in an organization
* Proven oral and written English, Bahasa knowledge,
* Excellent communication, organizational and networking skills
* Flexible and able to work in a team as well as independent
* Computer skills, Words, Internet Explorer, Databases, E-mail tools etc
* Is able, and willing, to travel to regions of Indonesia, sometimes for extended periods of time, including to places were the accommodation might be of lower standard than normally expected
* Adequate working experiences, especially in the Non Governmental Organization (NGO), preferably focusing on capacity building program
* Able to develop sustainable relationships with a wide variety of stake holder
* Additional Information
o Initial contract with PMI will be for 1 year, starting date as soon as possible
o Rewarding will be according to PMI conditions and include salary, travel allowance, health insurance and training opportunities. Salary rate will be discussed during interview
o The RFL-CB Coordinator will be based at PMI NHQ in Jakarta
Please submit your application with a comprehensive resume in English including names of 2 references before end of March 2008 by email to: recruitment@pmi.or.id CC : andreanne202@yahoo.com please type "RFL-CBC" in the subject box. Applications received after this date will not be considered. Only short-listed candidate will be contacted.